Why we need tungsten heavy alloy radiation shielding? As medical science developing so repaid, there is more and more radiation in our life, which has become a new trouble, such as X-rayradiation, gamma radiation (energetic electromagnetic radiation), radiation of alpha particles (helium atoms) beta particles (electrons) and cosmic radiation, etc. In order to protect patients and other people safe from harmful effects of ionizing radiation, such as breast cancer, skin cancer, etc. One type of excellent radiation-absorbing medium is badly needed.
Advantages of tungsten alloy radiation shielding
Experts find that radiation exposure could be reduced by maxing shielding. The density of a material is related to its radiation stopping ability. Higher density means better stopping power and shielding. Due to a higher density, tungsten heavy alloy has a much higher stopping power than lead. Its greater linear attenuation of gamma radiations means that less is required for equal shielding. Alternatively equal amounts of tungsten shielding provide diminished exposure risks than equivalent lead shielding.
Tungsten heavy alloy is a suitable raw material for radiation protection, as its combination of radiographic density (more than 60% denser than lead), good mechanical strength, and low thermal expansion, good corrosion resistance, high radiation absorption (superior to lead), simplified life cycle and high strength. It can provide the same degree of protection as lead whilst significantly reducing the overall volume and thickness of shields and containers. Besides, compared with lead or depleted uranium in the past, tungsten heavy alloy is more acceptable in this case, for they are Pb-free and non-toxic.
Tungsten heavy alloy is
completely lead-free,
being comprised of tungsten with
minor amounts of nickel and iron. It offers a
number of advantages as a radiation
shielding material for clinical use:
• Good corrosion resistance under ambient condition
• Low toxicity
• Superior radiation attenuation compared to lead
• Damage resistant due to much higher
mechanical properties than lead
Appliance for tungsten heavy alloy in radiation protection
The usage of tungsten heavy alloy in radiation protection is not subject to NRC, EPA, or special OSHA regulations, so it has been widely used, such as:
Radioactive source containers
Gamma radiography shields
Shielding block
Source holders for oil well logging and industrial instrumentation
X-ray collimators
Tungsten alloy PET syringe shield
Shielding in cancer therapy machines
Syringe protection for radioactive injections
Tungsten syringe shielding
Nuclear shielding wall
FDG container
Inspect welds
Nuclear testing equipment
Nuclear power plant shielding
Radiation shielding barrel
Isotope production, transport, and containment
Personal protection equipment for emergency responders
Large container inspection devices
Oncology Isotopic and accelerator based platforms
Pipe-line inspection Gamma
Defense for nuclear submarines
Multi leaf collimator
Bremsstrahlung radiation |

You can see more details on tungsten alloy radiation shielding.
If you have any interest in tungsten heavy alloy radiation shielding, please feel free to contact us by email: sales@chinatungsten.com sales@chinatungsten.com or call us: 86 592 5129696.